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Cheap Van Insurance: Protecting your van brings about safeguards from any third party accidents claims, theft, fire as well as any act of vandalism that could take place. However, in case your van is unfortunate enough to be involved in an accident thereby becoming damaged your insurance provider is required to get it restored returning it back to it's original condition.
Wednesday, 31 December 2014
Young people 'priced out' of pubs
Top 5 most popular credit cards of 2014 revealed
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Good hotels in calicut

Get list of some best luxury hotels in Calicut for comfortable and worldclass stay. Hotels in Calicut, Calicut Hotels.
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Tuesday, 30 December 2014
Jean Chatzky: Have ‘the talk’
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London & South East goes 'al desco'
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London close: UK equities rise to two-week high despite weak commodity stocks
Weakness in the resource sectors limited gains in London on Monday, though equity markets still managed to register their fifth straight day of gains as investors readied themselves for the Christmas break....
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Monday, 29 December 2014
What’s in the Fed’s gift bag?
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Are you on Santa’s naughty list?
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10 tips for finding cheaper airfare
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Sunday, 28 December 2014
More disclosures for used car sales
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Top 5 most popular credit cards of 2014 revealed
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Mortgage rates in San Francisco, California
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Saturday, 27 December 2014
More disclosures for used car sales
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What commercial van insurance can I choose for my vehicles?
If your van is mainly for commercial purpose of doing business then you’ll be required to get a commercial van insurance. The objective of a commercial van insurance cover is for the protection of your van with any content that may be included inside, it also covers your business against any eventualities that may occur in future.
To keep your business healthy and profitable, you must ensure that your business overheads are kept to a minimum by reducing all expenses charged to the business. This also entails looking for a cheap van insurance cover for your vans. Purchasing the cheapest insurance possible will save you money initially but remember that your business could lose out substantially if you don’t have the correct type of cover, so analysis your insurance needs carefully before agreeing on a policy.
Most insurance cover are quiet dependent on a number of factors to determine whether it suits your purpose or not. Criteria like the type of vehicle your insuring, it’s capacity, the term of the policy and most importantly the kind of services you’ll be rendering with your van.-
Most insurance firms provide insurance cover for different organizations that ranges from big organizations, private firms and even sole proprietors. And the caliber of cover they provide also ranges from one organization to the other. There are 3 major range of insurance coverage you can expect from most insurance companies; they include third party commercial insurance policy, third party fire and theft cover and fully comprehensive cover.
The fully comprehensive insurance coverage is for the protection of every eventualities perhaps that’s why it’s the most cumbersome and most expensive policy you can buy. This kind of insurance policy insures the liability for loss of life or personal injury to any individual in the van as well as protecting any kind of destruction to the property of the other party.
Apart from the protections mentioned earlier, comprehensive policies does also covers damages to your van as well as third party’s vehicle. In addition, accidents, fire and theft, vandalism are also covered as well as being provided a courtesy van when your van’s being repaired. If you store tools in your van subsequently it is really worth confirming that these will also be protected by your comprehensive insurance coverage.
Third party fire and theft Insurance policy will protect any kind of loss as well as damages induced by a third party, specifically criminal damage, car accident, fire, theft or burglary. It is worth observing that this particular kind of insurance coverage would certainly not protect you if your van was damaged by a motorist who did not possess insurance policy.
The last and final insurance cover is the third party commercial cover. Often the least expensive out of the entire three policies and also very basic or simple cover, it protects your van against damages caused to a third party only. Third party policy cover do not often cover against business vans. So, if your involved in an accident then you will be personally responsible for the cost of repairing the third party’s vehicle.
If you have an aged van or do not feel that your van is not worth very much then you can take out a third party commercial van insurance coverage to satisfy your legal responsibility of getting your van covered.
Irrespective of the way you use your business van, you could also customize your policy with additional features and add on provided by your insurance providers, for instance, policies that offer you the benefit of driving other cars or driving abroad and most importantly legal expenses cover.
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Credit union regulator sues big banks
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Friday, 26 December 2014
Older voters demand English votes for English laws
• Two thirds of Scots think their MPs should be excluded from voting in Westminster on issues devolved to the Scottish Parliament
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5 Costliest Traffic Violations for Car Insurance
With the help of experts, including J. Robert Hunter, insurance director for the Washington, D.C.-based Consumer Federation of America, we now identify what are considered the five worst traffic violations for your insurance bills.
1. Driving While Impaired / Under the Influence Estimated premium increase: 25 percent Call it DWI or DUI, a drunken driving violation will hike your insurance costs more than any other, likely as much as 25 percent, says Hunter, a former Texas insurance commissioner. Your insurance company might give you a “pass” on some traffic tickets, especially if it’s your first time, but not on drunken driving, he says. A drunken driving violation will require drivers to purchase auto insurance with an SR22 filing, which can be expensive with larger insurance companies. Drivers with a DUI violation are advised to consult an insurance agent that specializes in SR22 insurance to find the best rate and coverage. 2. Reckless Driving Estimated premium increase: 15 percent to 20 percent Reckless driving is right up there with drunken driving as one of the biggest offenses that will guarantee a hike in your insurance costs. A precise definition of reckless driving varies from state to state. However, it generally means that you intentionally ignore the safety of other people or property. Violations can bring stiff penalties, including jail time. While speeding certainly may be a factor, you can be reckless without pushing pedal to the metal, according to NHTSA. At least one state, Virginia, is considering categorizing texting while driving as a form of reckless driving. 3. Speeding Estimated premium increase: 10 percent As with repeat drunken driving violations, multiple speeding tickets will bring you increasing insurance costs. Get enough of them, and you can bet your insurance will be canceled, say the experts. Insurers initially may waive one speeding ticket if it’s within 10 mph over the limit, Hunter says. Some states won’t even record the ticket if you take a safe-driving class. But if your insurer doesn’t want to cut you any slack, or you were far over the limit, speeding can raise your car insurance premium by about 10 percent, according to Hunter’s research. Chronic lead-foots also pay higher traffic fines with each ticket — up to $2,000 or more, depending on the state. And some states impose jail time. NHTSA estimates that speeding is involved in more than 30 percent of all fatal crashes — and costs the economy more than $40 billion a year. 4. Running a Red Light Estimated premium increase: 10 percent You break the law when you intentionally go through an intersection after its traffic signal turns red or roll through a right-turn-on-red without stopping. Expect up to a 10 percent increase for running a red light. If you have a tendency to breeze through red lights, your insurance premiums are probably high already. Red-light runners often have a history of accidents, DUIs, speeding and other violations, according to the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety. Drivers who run a red light and cause a deadly accident are more likely to be drunk, speeding or driving without a valid license at the time. In urban areas, the most common type of collision involves drivers ignoring traffic controls, including red lights. The institute says people are hurt in nearly 4 out of 10 of those accidents. 5. Driving Without a Valid License Estimated premium increase: 10 percent Getting behind the wheel without a valid driver’s license is a serious offense that could mean an extended suspension or even a permanent revocation of your license. A traffic ticket for driving without a license can bring a 10 percent increase in your car insurance premium — on top of whatever rate hikes you’ve already seen for the underlying violations that caused the suspension, Hunter says. According to the NHTSA, one study in California found tthat drivers with suspended or revoked licenses were involved in fatal crashes nearly four times more often than the average driver. Information source:
The post 5 Costliest Traffic Violations for Car Insurance appeared first on SR22 Insurance.
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Mortgage rates in San Francisco, California
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Thursday, 25 December 2014
What commercial van insurance can I choose for my vehicles?
If your van is mainly for commercial purpose of doing business then you’ll be required to get a commercial van insurance. The objective of a commercial van insurance cover is for the protection of your van with any content that may be included inside, it also covers your business against any eventualities that may occur in future.
To keep your business healthy and profitable, you must ensure that your business overheads are kept to a minimum by reducing all expenses charged to the business. This also entails looking for a cheap van insurance cover for your vans. Purchasing the cheapest insurance possible will save you money initially but remember that your business could lose out substantially if you don’t have the correct type of cover, so analysis your insurance needs carefully before agreeing on a policy.
Most insurance cover are quiet dependent on a number of factors to determine whether it suits your purpose or not. Criteria like the type of vehicle your insuring, it’s capacity, the term of the policy and most importantly the kind of services you’ll be rendering with your van.-
Most insurance firms provide insurance cover for different organizations that ranges from big organizations, private firms and even sole proprietors. And the caliber of cover they provide also ranges from one organization to the other. There are 3 major range of insurance coverage you can expect from most insurance companies; they include third party commercial insurance policy, third party fire and theft cover and fully comprehensive cover.
The fully comprehensive insurance coverage is for the protection of every eventualities perhaps that’s why it’s the most cumbersome and most expensive policy you can buy. This kind of insurance policy insures the liability for loss of life or personal injury to any individual in the van as well as protecting any kind of destruction to the property of the other party.
Apart from the protections mentioned earlier, comprehensive policies does also covers damages to your van as well as third party’s vehicle. In addition, accidents, fire and theft, vandalism are also covered as well as being provided a courtesy van when your van’s being repaired. If you store tools in your van subsequently it is really worth confirming that these will also be protected by your comprehensive insurance coverage.
Third party fire and theft Insurance policy will protect any kind of loss as well as damages induced by a third party, specifically criminal damage, car accident, fire, theft or burglary. It is worth observing that this particular kind of insurance coverage would certainly not protect you if your van was damaged by a motorist who did not possess insurance policy.
The last and final insurance cover is the third party commercial cover. Often the least expensive out of the entire three policies and also very basic or simple cover, it protects your van against damages caused to a third party only. Third party policy cover do not often cover against business vans. So, if your involved in an accident then you will be personally responsible for the cost of repairing the third party’s vehicle.
If you have an aged van or do not feel that your van is not worth very much then you can take out a third party commercial van insurance coverage to satisfy your legal responsibility of getting your van covered.
Irrespective of the way you use your business van, you could also customize your policy with additional features and add on provided by your insurance providers, for instance, policies that offer you the benefit of driving other cars or driving abroad and most importantly legal expenses cover.
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- How to select the right commercial van insurance for your business
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AutoGlass chooses the Transit Custom
Glass manufacturer AutoGlass is refreshing its 1250-strong Transit Fleet by adding 90 long-wheelbase 2.9 tonne Custom vans.
Each van will be fitted with the bespoke interior needed by AutoGlass, especially the racking which carries the windcreens safely to vehicles. Each Transit Custom will go through a 4 year/100,000 mile lifecycle with the business. AutoGlass’ Fleet Manager, Ged Raymond said:
‘The glass we have to carry is getting bigger and therefore so must our vehicles. The Transit Custom meets our needs perfectly and is being well-received by our mobile technicians. They have always loved the Ford Transit and they like this one even more.’
The Van Insurer is on hand to provide you with a fantastic van insurance quote. We’ll even beat your cheapest.
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How Rental Car Companies Relate to Car Insurance
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Wednesday, 24 December 2014
Your kids will cost you £313 this month
Do you feel as though you’ve had less and less disposable income every month since becoming a parent? You could be right.
If you’re a parent, you could be forking out as much as £313 per month on essentials for your little darling.
According to research from Santander, the average parent spends this amount on items such as food and drink, entertainment and babysitting. Over the course of a year, this expenditure equates to £3,762, which is more than 14% of the average Brits’ £26,100 salary.
If you already have children, you might want to stop reading now as the statistics are about to become even more alarming. During the course of 18 years, the average parent will spend £67,700 per child. Scarier still: this astronomical figure doesn’t factor in the cost of university.
Regional variations
Like almost everything else, the North/South divide comes into force with essential childcare costs. According to the data, the average parent in the South is spending £4,163 compared with a slightly more modest (though still pretty painful) £3,275 in the North.
The cost of food and drink is at its highest in the capital with typical spending of £106.30 and Londoners are also spending £50 per month on their child’s transport.
When it comes to activities, Scots are most generous and spend £52.20 per month compared with £30.90 in the North.
Cost of children essentials per month and year
London | Rest of South | Midlands, Wales | North | Scotland | Average | |
Food and drink | £106.30 | £89.70 | £84.70 | £89.50 | £99.00 | £91.50 |
Entertainment | £33.50 | £29.40 | £30.30 | £30.10 | £39.10 | £31.20 |
Toys and gifts | £23.30 | £22.90 | £21.60 | £23.10 | £24.00 | £22.90 |
Holidays | £65.40 | £65.00 | £59.90 | £49.00 | £44.60 | £58.10 |
Activities | £37.10 | £39.10 | £36.70 | £30.90 | £52.20 | £37.40 |
Transportation | £50.00 | £35.40 | £32.80 | £35.60 | £44.80 | £37.10 |
Babysitting | £17.90 | £65.40 | £36.10 | £14.70 | £47.80 | £35.30 |
Monthly totals | £333.50 | £346.90 | £301.80 | £272.90 | £351.50 | £313.50 |
Annual totals | £4,002 | £4,163 | £3,625 | £3,275 | £4,218 | £3,762 |
Source: Santander
So, how can parents cut costs if they’re struggling to cope with these monthly expenses?
Wise up to supermarket tricks
Wherever you live in the UK, food is the biggest expense for families and the average parent spends £91.50 on feeding their child per month.
Whenever you head to the supermarket, remember the main goal of most retailers: to tempt you to hand over as much of your money as possible.
Be wary of any two-for-one deals or other special offers, don’t be persuaded to buy more than you’ll actually use and try not to give into nagging for treats if you take your kids with you.
To learn more, check out What supermarkets don’t want you to know and Stop wasting £680 a year on food.
Check your benefits
Even if you’re working, you might still be able to claim some form of state benefits, such as tax credit or child benefit. If you believe you may be entitled to benefits you’re not already receiving, try consulting an online state benefit checker.
Teaching kids the value of money
Educating your children about money management while they’re young might help them avoid common financial pitfalls in adulthood.
According to an encouraging piece of research from Halifax, some 63% of children between the ages of eight and 15 perform household chores in order to boost their income.
As soon as your kids have put some cash aside, you could encourage them to open a savings account and explain about the benefits of earning interest.
A number of banks and building societies allow you to put parental controls on the account until the child is old enough to manage their own money, which would come in handy if you’re worried about you child blowing the whole lot in one weekend.
**This material is for information purposes only and should not be considered financial advice. We strongly encourage our readers not to rely solely on this content, but to seek independent advice when making financial decisions.**
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The £2,817 fortune in your attic
Can’t be bothered to clean out your attic? Perhaps the possibility of making £2,800 would motivate you.
The average UK homeowner has £2,813 of clutter going unused in their attic, according to research from the Co-operative Bank.
Common items stored away include books, children’s toys and Christmas decorations. Shockingly, 22% of people have as many as five TVs collecting dust in the loft.
However, few of us appreciate we could be sitting on a potential gold mine. When asked to estimate the value of the goods in their attic, people guessed an average of £559 – less than a fifth of the potential worth.
Surprisingly, some 30% of those surveyed wouldn’t consider parting with their clutter in order to make some cash.
James Hillon, Head of Home and Family at the Co-operative Bank said: ‘For many, just the thought of having a clear-out is a cause of worry, so much so that the term ‘hoarder disorder' has been coined to explain the scientific symptoms and medical reasons behind our hoarding habits.’
But just how would you go about making a little extra cash and break the hoarding habit?
Selling online
Although your first thought might be to opt for a well-known site such eBay or Amazon, there are plenty of alternatives so it could be worth doing your research.
Preloved is a site dedicated to selling second-hand goods and allows you to place a free ad without any listing or selling fees.
With musicMagpie, users can earn extra cash by trading in their old CDs, DVDs, games and technology.
Rather than selling your stuff in an auction, the site pays a set amount for each item – you can find out how much your goods are worth by entering the barcode or the name and model.
If you use online charity bookstore Green Metropolis, you’ll receive £3 for every book you sell – though you’ll need to cover the cost of postage yourself and this can range from 50p to £2.50.
Alternatively, you can become a charity seller and 50p or £1 of your profit for each book will be donated to a nominated charity.
Car boot sales
If you can brave the early start, you could dispose of your clutter by having a car boot sale.
Websites such as and CarBootJunction contain listings of sales in your area or you could try checking the local paper to find a suitable venue.
Remember, if you want to bag a decent pitch, it could be worth turning up as early as possible to beat the competition.
Also, be prepared to haggle over price ­– many seasoned car booters will be in the market for a bargain and might try to put in a cheeky offer.
If your main goal is to spring clean, however, consider lowering your prices toward the end of the day if you need to get rid of excess stock.
This suggestion will perhaps work best for those with a creative bent or a talent for DIY.
Upcycling is the process of transforming items you no longer need into new, more useful objects.
Cutting up unwanted clothing and using it to cover stains or tears on other material is an obvious example. However, you can check out websites such as this for more tips.
For more articles like this, see Six top money-saving websites and Do you have a hidden fortune?
**This material is for information purposes only and should not be considered financial advice. We strongly encourage our readers not to rely solely on this content, but to seek independent advice when making financial decisions.**
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Tuesday, 23 December 2014
Autonet Insurance launch Motor Legal Expenses video
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Monday, 22 December 2014
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Sunday, 21 December 2014
Lights out on terrorism insurance
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Volkswagen Passat (2015-)
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Saturday, 20 December 2014
Different Car Insurance Rates Among Different States
If you were to compare car insurance rates by state you’d find that similar drivers with similar vehicles pay different rates depending on the state where they live. This is one of the curious aspects of car insurance a lot of people don’t understand. That misunderstanding comes by way of the fact that so many drivers think of cheap car insurance as a static product similar to a computer or television set. By “static” we mean a product that comes off a production line and is identical among all pieces of the same line.
The thing about car insurance is that it’s not static. For example, two different drivers may both have collision and comprehensive coverage on their vehicles but pay different rates for it. This makes complete sense when you consider one driver owns a BMW while the other driver owns a Kia. The values of their respective vehicles heavily influence the cost of their collision and comprehensive insurance.
United States of America
In terms of the various states, here are a couple of things that influence auto insurance quotes:
State Laws – Far and away the biggest influence on cheap auto insurance at the state level comes by way of insurance regulations. A state where insurance is heavily regulated to the point that it chokes out competition will see higher car insurance costs. Other regulatory conditions that contribute to annual premiums include minimum liability requirements, taxes and fees, how the state’s high risk pools are funded, and how traffic violations are dealt with.
Population Density – Population density is another big factor at the state level. States with high population densities such as California and Massachusetts have the potential for higher insurance rates because there are more drivers on the road to cause accidents.
Accident Rates – The different states experience different accident rates depending on a whole host of factors. Weather, average driver age, road conditions, and economic conditions all play a part in influencing accident rates. Like population density, a state with a higher rate of accidents per capita will see that reflected in car insurance quotes.
Job Outlook – Believe it or not insurance statistics show a greater propensity for insurance claims among specific occupations. Insurance companies can look at those statistics from one state to the next and partially determine rates of accident claims based on occupation and income levels.
Suffice it to say there are a number of things at the state level that contribute to how much you and I pay for insurance. When you’re searching for car insurance quotes, it’s best not to about worry what your cousin and his neighbor are paying two states away. Your state is what it is and that’s not likely to change. By the same token, if you’re thinking of moving to another state and you’re not restricted in your choices, taking into account the likelihood you’ll be able to find cheap car insurance may be a factor in your decision.
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Council fined for safety breach
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Different Car Insurance Rates Among Different States
If you were to compare car insurance rates by state you’d find that similar drivers with similar vehicles pay different rates depending on the state where they live. This is one of the curious aspects of car insurance a lot of people don’t understand. That misunderstanding comes by way of the fact that so many drivers think of cheap car insurance as a static product similar to a computer or television set. By “static” we mean a product that comes off a production line and is identical among all pieces of the same line.
The thing about car insurance is that it’s not static. For example, two different drivers may both have collision and comprehensive coverage on their vehicles but pay different rates for it. This makes complete sense when you consider one driver owns a BMW while the other driver owns a Kia. The values of their respective vehicles heavily influence the cost of their collision and comprehensive insurance.
United States of America
In terms of the various states, here are a couple of things that influence auto insurance quotes:
State Laws – Far and away the biggest influence on cheap auto insurance at the state level comes by way of insurance regulations. A state where insurance is heavily regulated to the point that it chokes out competition will see higher car insurance costs. Other regulatory conditions that contribute to annual premiums include minimum liability requirements, taxes and fees, how the state’s high risk pools are funded, and how traffic violations are dealt with.
Population Density – Population density is another big factor at the state level. States with high population densities such as California and Massachusetts have the potential for higher insurance rates because there are more drivers on the road to cause accidents.
Accident Rates – The different states experience different accident rates depending on a whole host of factors. Weather, average driver age, road conditions, and economic conditions all play a part in influencing accident rates. Like population density, a state with a higher rate of accidents per capita will see that reflected in car insurance quotes.
Job Outlook – Believe it or not insurance statistics show a greater propensity for insurance claims among specific occupations. Insurance companies can look at those statistics from one state to the next and partially determine rates of accident claims based on occupation and income levels.
Suffice it to say there are a number of things at the state level that contribute to how much you and I pay for insurance. When you’re searching for car insurance quotes, it’s best not to about worry what your cousin and his neighbor are paying two states away. Your state is what it is and that’s not likely to change. By the same token, if you’re thinking of moving to another state and you’re not restricted in your choices, taking into account the likelihood you’ll be able to find cheap car insurance may be a factor in your decision.
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Friday, 19 December 2014
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10 questions on umbrella insurance in 2015
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What commercial van insurance can I choose for my vehicles?
If your van is mainly for commercial purpose of doing business then you’ll be required to get a commercial van insurance. The objective of a commercial van insurance cover is for the protection of your van with any content that may be included inside, it also covers your business against any eventualities that may occur in future.
To keep your business healthy and profitable, you must ensure that your business overheads are kept to a minimum by reducing all expenses charged to the business. This also entails looking for a cheap van insurance cover for your vans. Purchasing the cheapest insurance possible will save you money initially but remember that your business could lose out substantially if you don’t have the correct type of cover, so analysis your insurance needs carefully before agreeing on a policy.
Most insurance cover are quiet dependent on a number of factors to determine whether it suits your purpose or not. Criteria like the type of vehicle your insuring, it’s capacity, the term of the policy and most importantly the kind of services you’ll be rendering with your van.-
Most insurance firms provide insurance cover for different organizations that ranges from big organizations, private firms and even sole proprietors. And the caliber of cover they provide also ranges from one organization to the other. There are 3 major range of insurance coverage you can expect from most insurance companies; they include third party commercial insurance policy, third party fire and theft cover and fully comprehensive cover.
The fully comprehensive insurance coverage is for the protection of every eventualities perhaps that’s why it’s the most cumbersome and most expensive policy you can buy. This kind of insurance policy insures the liability for loss of life or personal injury to any individual in the van as well as protecting any kind of destruction to the property of the other party.
Apart from the protections mentioned earlier, comprehensive policies does also covers damages to your van as well as third party’s vehicle. In addition, accidents, fire and theft, vandalism are also covered as well as being provided a courtesy van when your van’s being repaired. If you store tools in your van subsequently it is really worth confirming that these will also be protected by your comprehensive insurance coverage.
Third party fire and theft Insurance policy will protect any kind of loss as well as damages induced by a third party, specifically criminal damage, car accident, fire, theft or burglary. It is worth observing that this particular kind of insurance coverage would certainly not protect you if your van was damaged by a motorist who did not possess insurance policy.
The last and final insurance cover is the third party commercial cover. Often the least expensive out of the entire three policies and also very basic or simple cover, it protects your van against damages caused to a third party only. Third party policy cover do not often cover against business vans. So, if your involved in an accident then you will be personally responsible for the cost of repairing the third party’s vehicle.
If you have an aged van or do not feel that your van is not worth very much then you can take out a third party commercial van insurance coverage to satisfy your legal responsibility of getting your van covered.
Irrespective of the way you use your business van, you could also customize your policy with additional features and add on provided by your insurance providers, for instance, policies that offer you the benefit of driving other cars or driving abroad and most importantly legal expenses cover.
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Thursday, 18 December 2014
Plan for go-go, slow-go, no-go years
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Why Getting Loan at Auto Dealer May Be a Bad Idea
By Aaron Crowe
Having a loan in hand before walking into an auto dealership is a common recommendation when buying a new car. It can keep you from being offered financing by the car dealer, who can add fees you might not recognize.
Some buyers, however, welcome the chance to negotiate finance terms with a lender through their car dealer, saying they can get a lower interest rate than they would through their bank.
Such decisions may lead to discriminatory practices against consumers when finance companies authorize the dealer to mark up the interest rate that can lead to different interest rates for similarly situated consumers, according to the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau. Discriminatory markups on auto loans may result in tens of millions of dollars in consumer harm each year, according to the CFPB.
The CFPB is proposing to oversee larger non-bank auto finance companies for the first time at the federal level. In a proposal it made in September, the CFPB said it wants to supervise non-bank auto finance companies that make, acquire or refinance 10,000 or more loans or leases in a year. It estimates about 38 auto finance companies would be subject to the new oversight, and that they originate around 90% of non-bank auto loans and leases. In 2013 they provided financing to 6.8 million consumers.
“Many people depend on auto financing to pay for the car they need to get to work,” says CFPB Director Richard Cordray in a statement. “Non-bank auto finance companies extend hundreds of billions of dollars in credit to American consumers, yet they have never been supervised at the federal level.”
How loans are financed
Auto loans are financed by bank and non-banks. You can get a loan directly from your bank, called direct financing, or you can get indirect financing where an auto dealer typically facilitates a loan from a third party. Banks, credit unions and non-bank auto finance companies provide credit to consumers both directly and indirectly.
Some non-bank finance companies are “captive” non-banks, meaning the finance companies are owned by auto manufacturers that generally do only indirect lending.
Nearly 90% of the U.S. workforce commutes to work by car. Auto loans are the third largest category of household debt, behind mortgages and student loans. The average loan for a new car is almost $27,000, according to the CFPB.
How auto dealer financing can backfire
Stephanie Jadotte, a partner and creative director at Jadoly Branding and Marketing, says she financed her first new car in September 2008 when she bought a 2009 Honda Accord coup, and saw how a dealer tried to give her a worse deal than originally promised. The dealer offered the best finance rate she could find at the time — 2.9% financing. The lowest rate she found at a bank was 4%, Jadotte says, so she went with Honda’s financing company.
Things quickly got worse. Even though Jadotte had a very high credit score and qualified for the low promotional rate, the finance person she was handed off to by the salesman “tried to finance my car with another bank instead of Honda with a higher rate,” she says, either 7 or 8 percent.
He tried shopping her loan at two banks at first, and every time was a hard inquiry on her credit, which can lower a credit score. He told her that the banks gave him the high rates and that he had no control over what she qualified for, Jadotte says. Eventually, he told her that she didn’t qualify for the promo rate because her credit report showed that she had never financed a car before.
Jadotte and her father, who was helping her shop for a car, “called him out on that because my score was good enough to warrant the promo rate,” she says. When the finance guy replied that the best he could do was 7%, they walked away from the table and said they’d go to another dealer.
He then got her the 2.9% promo deal that she was told she’d get from the beginning, and Jadotte was happy with her new car.
“So I purchased the car and was very happy with it, but I was not happy with the process I went through just to obtain the loan at a rate I knew I qualified for,” she says. “They tried to do the old bait and switch.”
Aspects of oversight being sought
The CFPB already supervises large banks making auto loans, but not non-bank auto finance companies. It wants to ensure auto finance companies treat consumers fairly throughout the life of a loan by:
- Fairly marketing and disclosing auto financing: The CFPB wants auto finance companies that market directly to consumers to not use deceptive tactics to market loans or leases. It also wants consumers to get terms they understand and accept.
- Providing accurate information to credit bureaus: The CFPB recently took action against an auto finance company that distorted consumer credit records by inaccurately reporting the consumer’s payment history and delinquency status to credit bureaus.
- Treating consumers fairly when collecting debts: Consumers have complained to the CFPB about having their autos repossessed while they are current on the loan or have a payment arrangement in place.
Aaron Crowe is a journalist who covers the auto industry for
Why Getting Loan at Auto Dealer May Be a Bad Idea is a post from: Cheap Car Insurance News Blog
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Wednesday, 17 December 2014
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Across the EU, demand for commercial vehicles has dropped almost 12% over the past year. This includes sales of CVs which have also dropped off significantly since the beginning of 2011.
We’re not sure what this means for commercial vehicles, but we’re sure it has a whole lot to do with the current financial climate. Let’s hope things pick up in the commercial market and that the introduction of further electric vehicles takes off. With the Olympic Games this summer, trade and business will be busier than ever- just the boost we all need!
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Sunday, 14 December 2014
Road Rage, Distracted Driving Common Among Daily Commuters
A surprising poll recently conducted by Harris Interactive for the job-posting and career advice website provided some interesting insight into American drivers and their habits behind the wheel. Not so surprisingly, the results showed that as a whole, drivers in the U.S. are an angry and distracted bunch.
The poll, conducted between May 14 and June 4 of this year, surveyed almost 3,900 motorists about their commutes to and from work. Of those polled, the vast majority (83%) drove to work each day as opposed to using public transportation. The poll excluded those who were self-employed or employed in government jobs.
According to Rosemary Haefner, Vice President of Human Resources at, road rage is most associated with running late and dealing with long, far commutes. In total, 58% of all drivers said they experienced road rage during their commutes to and from work. This doesn't mean drivers with short commutes were immune to road rage, though, just that they were less likely to experience it. In fact, only 37% of drivers with a commute of five minutes or less experienced road rage, while 54% of those with commutes of 10 minutes or less admitted to experiencing road rage.
As surprising as it may seem, 61% of all women surveyed admitted that they experienced road rage at some point while making their daily commute, while only 56% of men admitted to losing their head behind the wheel. Regardless of gender, younger drivers are more prone to road rage than older ones, adhering to the stereotype that the older you get, the more you mellow-out. Approximately 68% of those surveyed between the ages of 25 and 34 years old said they experience road rage, while only 47% of those 55 and above admitted the same.
The weather also factored into a driver's likelihood of experiencing road rage. Nearly 17% of those surveyed said that when the temperatures go up in the summer, they experience road rage less. Only 10% claimed that the added heat of the summer months fueled their fury behind the wheel.
While a significant amount of Americans seem to struggle with anger issues during their commutes, the upside came from the fact that only 9% had actually been involved in to a fight with another driver.
Beyond angry driving, almost one in four commuters (24%) has been in an accident while on their way to work, while just under a third (30%) admitted to texting and driving while on their way to work. All in all, to keep your vehicle out of harm's way, keep calm and focus on driving while commuting — and watch out for those who don't.
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