Monday 11 February 2013

How to Get Cheap Car Insurance

Are you the type of person who believes all car insurance policies are the same? Do you refuse to believe those who try to tell you how you can actually get cheap car insurance? If you answered “yes” to either of these questions you are exactly the type of person this article is intended for. We want you to know that cheap car insurance is indeed possible. We also want to help you find out how to get it.

For starters, please understand that insurance is an industry in which everything is open to negotiation. Very rarely do you have to settle for the first price quoted you by any single provider. With the right leverage and a bit of negotiating skill you can convince most insurance agents to significantly reduce your price over the initial quote. You just need to know what it is you’re looking for and how to push their buttons.

How to Get Cheap Car Insurance

How to Get Cheap Car Insurance

Before you even start looking for quotes consider the following questions:

  • What are the liability requirements in my state?
  • Does my bank require me to carry comprehensive and collision coverage?
  • Do I want extra things like full glass and roadside assistance?
  • Can I afford to pay the entire policy premium upfront?
  • What do my driving history and credit look like?

Obtaining Quotes

The first three questions listed above are extremely pertinent when you start asking for quotes. Whether you use an online quote tool or speak to a representative in person, you’ll need to know what liability requirements are in your state and whether or not you want to increase them for your own protection. If you’ve already determined the minimum liability is sufficient don’t let the insurance representative convince you otherwise.

In terms of collision and comprehensive coverage, you really need to know this before you get started on the quote process. That’s because there is little negotiating room here. If your bank requires you to carry it your premiums will be determined by the value of the car you drive. On the other hand, extra coverages can be used as negotiating chips in order to keep the price down.

Negotiating with Insurance Companies

With multiple quotes in hand you’ll have to narrow them down to your top two or three choices. Then get on the phone and talk to an agent with the sole purpose of convincing the individual to give you a better rate. This is where the last two questions from above come into play.

For example, if you can afford to pay for an annual policy up front you can use that as leverage to bring the price down. Insurance companies love upfront payments because it gives them more cash to invest. If you can’t afford to pay the entire bill, negotiate quarterly or monthly installments that will fit your budget. And never accept unnecessarily high installments fees for the privilege of doing so.

Lastly, your credit history and driving record play a big part in your insurance rates. If you have blemishes on your record be prepared to answer questions about them when you’re talking to the agent. You can still get cheap car insurance if you negotiate firmly but politely. Remember to always be honest and forthright when answering direct questions about your driving history.

It might help to know that most states prohibit car insurance companies from denying policies based solely on credit history. So if you suspect that to be the case, be prepared to show the agent a copy of the law. That should change things instantly.

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