Thursday 28 February 2013

How big is Medicare fraud?

The FBI estimates that in 2012, the cost of Medicare fraud ranged from $75 billion to $250 billion.

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3 FTSE Shares Hitting New Highs

The FTSE 100 is flat once again, just two points up to 6,381 in morning trading. Though Japan was positive overnight with the Nikkei hitting a new five-year high, some major FTSE companies are trading ...

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Retirement planning in Bridgeport, Connecticut

Find a safe port for your funds when retirement planning in Bridgeport, CT, by our site where you will find all the guides, tools and calculators you will need. Put your funds in a protected port by considering investing in a money market account for a safe, easy way to begin your retirement planning. Finding the best

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Wednesday 27 February 2013

FTSE 250 movers: Centamin hit by target price cut

Centamin fell after Goldman Sachs cut its target price on the stock from 160p to 130p.

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Auto loan rates in Hilo, Hawaii

Interest rates are low throughout the country. And car loans are cheap in Hawaii. You can get a 48-month new-car loan for around 4 percent right now. Just make sure to shop around thoroughly. Use our research to find the best auto loan rates in Hilo, HI.
It's best to check your credit report for errors

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Looking beyond the festering sequester

A group of private economists has a fairly upbeat view of the outlook, despite the threat of $85 billion in mandatory budget cuts Friday.

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Tuesday 26 February 2013

Allianz, AXA dividends help allay sector worries

PARIS/MUNICH (Reuters) - Europe's top two insurers at least maintained their dividends for the past year, helping allay concerns that insurer payouts were being threatened by a malign combination of low ...

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Burned by private mortgage on property?

Heirs of a woman who financed her property sale face hurdles as buyer files bankruptcy.

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Auto loan rates in Richmond, Virginia

Cheap car loans are pretty easy to find in Virginia right now. You can get a 48-month new-car loan for around 4 percent. In fact, you can pick up a 60-month new-car loan for just slightly higher. Still, it's important to shop around for the best auto loan rates in Richmond, VA.
Before you start looking

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Monday 25 February 2013

CD rates in Dayton, Ohio

It's tough to find a high yield right now. The Fed is keeping rates on hold until the unemployment rate drops to 6.5 percent. But there are still some better-than-average yields out there. You can use our rates survey to find the best CD rates in Dayton, OH.
Make sure to shop around thoroughly for rates

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Mortgage rates in Naperville, Illinois

Allow our site to guide you in finding the best mortgage rates in Naperville, IL. Whether you are interested in purchasing a home, or looking to refinance, finding the mortgage rate that is right for you is a big concern and we supply current, accurate information on mortgage rates. As data fluctuate, our search function gives up-to-date information

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Discover Dr Livingstone’s Africa

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Sunday 24 February 2013

Mark Is My Hero

I have gone through a terrible nightmare trying to keep up insurance for my daughter who had a dui (due to  prescribed new meds for her bipolar disease)  and I have to tell you how much Mark C. (Serenity Insurance) has done for us.

From the first words, he was so assuring and kind , so compassionate about what I was going through. He gave me hope when NO other company rep has done.  He immediately made me feel better, and proceded to get us the right coverage at a price we actually could afford.  He went way beyond the norm for us, and was comforting and helpful with each step of the way.

He is unusual, and special, and has become my hero . I will direct anyone and everyone to him if they need help with insurance in the future. I’ve never experienced such accuracy and proficiency before.

Thank you for your time. I hope you acknowledge this , and tell Mark how much he is appreciated!

Yours Truly,

West Palm Beach, FL





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Pleural effusion


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America’s Greatest Cars: The History of Ford Motors

If you’ve ever owned a Ford, there’s a good chance that it was a car you loved deeply. Fords have long been known for their reliability, durability, and cult-like fan base. If you are a die-hard Ford aficionado, you may or may not be familiar with the company’s history, and how it got to where it is today. Ford’s biggest, longest-lasting contribution to the industry is, firstly, how it revolutionized the manufacturing process, and secondly how it revolutionized employee rights and labor standards. With ingenuity in production coupled with an admirable and fair treatment of employees, Ford used its outstanding business practices to rise to the top of the US auto industry, and they’ve manufactured some well-loved rides as a result. The following infographic takes a trip down Ford memory lane and brings to life some of their greatest accomplishments. Whether you’re a Ford lover, car lover, or you’re more interested in ethical business practices, the history of Ford can offer something for everyone to admire.

The post America’s Greatest Cars: The History of Ford Motors appeared first on

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Thursday 21 February 2013

Retirement planning in Bridgeport, Connecticut

Find a safe port for your funds when retirement planning in Bridgeport, CT, by our site where you will find all the guides, tools and calculators you will need. Put your funds in a protected port by considering investing in a money market account for a safe, easy way to begin your retirement planning. Finding the best

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Don't lie: Your life insurance depends on it

Your medical decisions won't block a life insurance claim, but fraud's another matter. Don't do it.

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Personalizing your ATM trips

Wells Fargo will begin offering an ATM experience customized to meet account holders' banking routines.

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Tuesday 19 February 2013

AA’s fight for fair fuel prices backed by government

The government has stepped up to help the AA’s campaign for fail fuel prices by calling on fuel providers to give customers access to daily fuel values- therefore ensuring that blanket prices are marketed across the entire country. The AA hopes that implementing this will ensure that the whole country benefits from lower fuel prices.

It seems that oil price hikes are quickly mirrored at the pumps, but any drop in price takes a long time to filter down to us as consumers- let’s hope this changes following these reforms, as the government has promised to take further action against fuel retailers if new regulations are not adhered to.

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Retirement planning in Bridgeport, Connecticut

Find a safe port for your funds when retirement planning in Bridgeport, CT, by our site where you will find all the guides, tools and calculators you will need. Put your funds in a protected port by considering investing in a money market account for a safe, easy way to begin your retirement planning. Finding the best

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Warning: Don’t fall for fake DVLA email

The DVLA has warned that there is a scam email in circulation and that anyone receiving an email which appears to be from the DVLA requesting personal information should ignore it.

With a link to a fake DVLA data input form, this email suggests that any driver failing to give this information will be required to re-take their driving test. The DVLA has spoken out in warning against this, reminding drivers that they would never request these details online- and that drivers who do input these details could become the victims of identity fraud.


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Saturday 16 February 2013

Historic bell stolen from arts site

Thieves have stolen an historic bell from an arts centre in Ireland.

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Tips On How To Limit The Losses On Your Van With A Van Insurance Cover

The main essence of a vehicle insurance policies are to protect against any kind of unforeseen disasters or incidents such as theft, accidents or fire. As a result, if perhaps your motor vehicle gets involved in an accident and gets damaged, your van policy protects it and it’s going to be repaired back to it’s original state. Realistically, car insurance policy is a massive relief for both vans and other automobile owners. Some individuals have this perception that van insurance is pretty expensive and therefore get frightened insuring their vehicles therefore breaking the law. Presently, getting cheap van insurance deal can be extremely very easy if you follow a few guidelines. –

A few of the criteria needed for securing a cheap van insurance are: ensuring that you have not claimed from your previous policy for up to 5 years or more; making sure that your van is always packed in a secured garage at night. It is a common belief that only commercial vans needs to be insured but this is not the case rather non-commercial van insurance is important for everyone who drives a van whether for commercial purpose or non commercial purpose.

Extra insurance coverage could be needed for those that use their vans consistently on a daily basis. For individuals and small corporations, vehicles are one of the easiest choice for the moving of products as well as services. Vans have become very depended upon by people and corporations nowadays. In the event that these vans get damaged, then it adversely affects the whole business entirely as movement of goods and services are restricted. In such an ideal situation, that’s where van insurance policy comes in, they would reimburse expenses and losses derived as a result of the damages in addition to getting the vehicle back on the road.

So that the policy holder can be rest assured of not suffering further financial consequences. Before obtaining your van insurance quotes online, always ensure you determine the appropriate cover that meets your requirements and suitability. Whether comprehensive, third party fire and theft or just third party only, paying for a cover you don’t really need would end up costing you more money. Basically, if your premium is less than 10 times your six months comprehensive insurance then you might not need to take out the policy because your van might not be worth taking out the comprehensive cover on.

Some individuals feel they can select a different cover in order to have a cheaper premium but use their vans for a purpose contrary to the purpose they have stated with their insurers, These is very unwise as such acts can invalidate one’s policy. Van insurance brings with it considerable amount of benefits and rest of mind as well against any future eventualities. To help business owners and sole proprietors carry on with their businesses when their vehicle is off road due to an accident, most insurance companies always provide courtesy vehicles for their policy holders.

Business owners most especially benefit from this huge benefit especially those that cannot do without their vans on a daily basis. The insurance of vans includes two major covers that includes comprehensive cover and third party fire and theft. Collision or third party fire and theft entails cover for third party vehicles that are involved with yours in an accident and also covers your vehicles against fire and theft. This coverage is offered mainly for collision with other third party vehicles in an event of any collision whatsoever.

However, in the event of any natural disasters like flood, hail, thunder storms earth quakes and so on then comprehensive cover is the most ideal policy to undertake for your vehicle. A lot of superb advice exists that can help lower the amount of insurance premium billed by insurance firms.

Below are a number of ways to obtain a cheap van insurance-

(I) if you are a good driver, then you can increase your deductible amount and also avoiding any claims in order to lower down your premium.

(II) Installing car alarms and immobilisers do prevent car theft and burglary to a certain extent that the insurance companies are willing to credit you for installing them on your vehicle. Security systems are very effective for deterring break ins and theft and insurance companies give discounts by reducing premiums on vehicles that have installed security systems.

(III) Another great way of acquiring cheap van insurance is by just doing your research other van insurance websites to obtain the cheapest quotes for your needs. Comparing various insurance quotes would help you unveil numerous quotes you never knew existed before.

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The Confusing SR 22

Compulsory insurance is one of those areas within motor vehicle law that tends to be confusing. We all need something, even if it’s just cheap car insurance covering only liability, but throw in the question of the SR 22 filing it can be downright baffling. Laws about SR 22 documents, when they need to be filed, and who is required to file them, are different from one state to the next. If you have questions about the SR 22 your best bet is to contact your state department motor vehicles or a lawyer experienced in traffic law.

As a general rule, the SR 22 is a legal instrument demonstrating to your state that you have some way of meeting your financial responsibilities in the event you cause an accident. Most states call this proof of financial responsibility. The SR 22 is filed by a car insurance company in some states, the individual driver in other states, or either one in still others. Some of the reasons you might be required to file an SR 22 include:

  • multiple speeding violations, accidents, or DUI/DWI convictions
  • car insurance lapses due to nonpayment of premiums
  • license or registration suspensions
  • inability to pay liability claims after accident

SR 22 from State to State

Just to show you how confusing SR 22 requirements can be we’ll use Iowa as an example. Iowa is unique in that it’s the only state with no mandatory insurance requirement. Iowa residents can purchase a car and drive it on the public roadways with only a valid registration and inspection. However, should a driver be involved in an accident must be able to prove to a court he have the financial means to meet any obligations that might result from his part in the crash.

Most Iowa drivers don’t take their chances. They purchase a liability policy and show their ID cards as proof of financial responsibility. Some other drivers will post a bond if they fell that is a better option.

Either way, if a driver is unable to furnish that proof he will be immediately required to obtain a liability insurance policy if he wishes to continue to drive. He’ll also have to file an SR 22 as proof that he has a valid insurance policy and that he has the financial resources to keep it in force throughout its entire term. The insurance company files the form for the driver when they are satisfied he can adequately meet his premium payments.

In the meantime, even if a driver is able to prove financial responsibility after an accident but his license or registration is suspended because of some violation relating to the crash, he may still have to file the SR 22 upon reinstatement of the license or registration suspension. If he has no insurance policy he’ll have to get one in order to satisfy the SR 22 requirement.

Confused? Just to add a little more, there are eight states that don’t have any SR 22 laws. Cheap car insurance is the proof of financial responsibility.

Length of Time

How long an SR 22 requirement remains in force depends on the individual state; a typical term would be 1 to 3 years. If you are currently driving under an SR 22 and move to a different state, you’ll need to contact both your old and new states to find out if you’re required to continue with the SR 22 until the end of its term. In some states you’ll be able to drop it; in others you’ll either continue or have a new one filed in the new state.

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Friday 15 February 2013

Dos As well as Don'ts When Searching For A Less Expensive Van Insurance Quote

Getting the best van insurance policy should be a easy experience. You discover the precise policy, obtain an excellent price and get your van insured. Nonetheless even the easiest tasks provide their own hazards fixed.

Cheap van insurance is a prime example in this. In writing, it is an easy process, but it's important to be cautious of potential points, reminiscent of spending well over the percentages or perhaps acquiring the unsuitable type of policy entirely. Nevertheless to help you avoid this kind of potential stumbling blocks, right here is a information to five of the most common errors that individuals execute while buying and also restarting their van insurance coverage policy.

1. Providing Incorrect Data.

Cars are developed as multi-purpose vehicles. Subsequently the insurance that protects them is required to have an account in consideration of these kinds of likely uses. This will add a a number of complication to the application course of and will in fact result in needless blunders being generated in the info an individual present.

For example, in the event you forget to name a daily driver of your vehicle or even claim that it is used for a objective while it's truly utilized for another, this may trigger major problems. Making an allowance for of which insurance is a authorized requirement, in case your policy is invalidated by any errors, it's possible you'll encounter more considerable issues in comparison with merely finding it a little troublesome to make a profitable compensation claim.

2. Not Verifying Your Coverage Before Restarting It.

A 12 months period could be a very long time in the life of any vehicle and a corporation. A lot of things can change during this period, some of which may need to be mirrored within your insurance. Lack of ability to be able to correctly update your particulars may lead to many of the issues featured in the previous section. Whilst a cheap offer may be what you are after, finally you wish to possess van insurance that can really offer you the policy you need.

So ensure you spend time and energy to review your current renewal request consider these as a chance to make any crucial modifications even if it is just a minor modification in your anticipated twelve-monthly usage or even including a brand new individual. Use your present policy for a marker and then prepare adjustments to suit. Modifying it during the use of your current coverage may find yourself costing you a regular fee each occasion, so it's price executing it whenever you've gotten the chance.

3. Failing To Check Out the Rates From Other Insurers.

While you might be completely happy together with your present insurer and still have obtained a good offer on your new policy, that do not necessarily imply that it might not really end up being improved for in other places. Look on-line and observe. Use your current similar details along with a wide range of insurers to see specifically what is obtainable for your needs and also find out the place savings might be generated with out being forced to decline your current stage of cover.
This is actually straightforward to do, and thanks to the actual Internet, it is amazingly accessible and also fast too. So there should be no reason for spending more for the same policy by way of ignorance.

4. Assuming They Are The Same Quotations Along With Other Insurers.

Presently there are usually obvious similarities in between the two forms of packages; nevertheless, you will discover additionally an identical amount of differences which mark them apart. In case you are generally not cautious you could neglect important advice (again, as detailed in the first part) or perhaps leave your self seriously under covered. Understand your van, actually is worked for, where it is actually parked as well as whom will be using it. Solely by getting all of this right would you have a policy that really gives the cover required.

5. Buying Excess Amounts Or Too little Highly recommended Policy.

If you are anxious that you haven't used the proper particulars or overstated the level of protection that you required, you can be much more likely to shell out more than might be firmly crucial on your insurance policy. If you happen to have not yet utilized beforehand, seek the advice of someone who has to receive recommendation or even get in touch the insurance company for them to guide you along the process. A cell phone query is usually a good way to find out issues as an individual go alongside, so long as you've all the data handy obviously.

Provided you're really serious with regard to getting the perfect viable cheap van insurance ( deal however just refrain from these obstacles. In view that these routines are definite to prohibit you from your ideal target- safeguarding money on your van insurance premium. Certainly there are a few other powerful methods to adopt when looking for techniques to fork out a lower van insurance monthly premium- one month van insurance (, cheaper van insurance quotes as well as , cheapest car insurance quotes also several other van insurance comparison approaches that will enable you purchase cheap van insurance quotations within minutes.

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Why sell your used car rather than trade it?

It would be easier to trade in your car, but it's better to sell it. Just compare the numbers.

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Vehicle Insurance Facts To Remember Always

Nature of motor insurance

Some motorists cringe at the mention of 'car insurance premium'. This fear is not based on the renewal time looming- but instead, how they'll pay up another monthly instalment . Over the last couple of years, motor insurance premiums has seen a sharp rise in the motoring industry. It's now become the 'norms' for drivers to search for cheap and affordable policies- in order not to experience the consequence of not having one. And no matter how expensive a policy may be, it's still a necessity- read on to find out why having a policy is vital.

Is car insurance policy a necessity?

In most countries, vehicle insurance is considered vital for every motorist. In the UK for instance, the law enforcement agencies are always on the prowl to enforce drivers have valid insurance policies for the cars they use. Two of the major benefits of having a valid cover includes:

Coverage against claims from motorists or passengers looking to exercise legal obligation against a policy holder that is the major cause of an accident in which losses and or damages occurred as a result.

It's always advisable to always be on the right side of the law- driving without a valid insurance would lead to your vehicle being impounded or you may even risk a driving ban for not adhering.

Disadvantages of having no insurance cover when driving

Driving without a valid insurance policy constitute a driving offence. These are the consequences for driving without a valid motor insurance policy:

  1. Not having a valid insurance cover on your vehicle can generate points on your licence- and if you accumulate up to 12 points, you then get disqualified from driving- which can be a severe blow when you depend on your driving job to make a living.
  2. Bans are often given to drivers without a valid insurance coverage on their vehicle, however, large fines do accompany these fines depending on the degree of the offence .
  3. Depending on the severity of a driving offence- whether being involved in an accident whilst not being insured or just being caught driving without a valid insurance, the amount of fine imposed will hugely differ in direct proportion to the severity of the offence.
  4. There have been known cases of prolific offenders doing time for the amount of damage they've caused as a result of not having a policy.

Important aspect to consider in a car insurance policy

It can be rather confusing for new and young drivers trying to buy an insurance policy for the first time. The manner in which policies are written and structured can be extremely difficult for new drivers looking to purchase a car insurance policy- more experienced drivers within the family might need to explain it to them in simpler terms. However, there are vital factors to look out for in a policy before you decide to buy. These are primary factors to consider:

  1. The 3 levels of cover you can select from includes: comprehensive, third party fire and theft and third party only.
  2. Consider the Level of excess you're comfortable with- Should incase you're involved in an accident, you'll be required to pay the excess you chose at the beginning of your policy.
  3. If your premiums are unaffordable then it's time to keep on comparing quotes until you find a cheaper and much more affordable quote.
  4. Make it a point of duty to look at the special conditions that apply to your policy to avoid getting breaching the terms of your policy which can inevitably void your policy.

Five ways to obtain low-cost quotes from insurers

Cheapest car insurance company doesn't exist when your looking for cheap car insurance premiums. There are simply too many variables affecting the price of a car insurance policy: who you are, what you do for a living, where you live, the type of car you drive and your driving history, all contribute to what insurers use to determine the amount of premium you pay for your policy. Your sole objective will now be to spot the cheapest car insurance deal possible by:

  1. Getting a car that's categorised to fall within the low insurance group. Some examples of cars within the low insurance group bracket includes: Vauxhall Corsa, Fiat Punto and Nissan Micra because of their small engine sizes. High insurance premiums are allocated to bigger engine cars while smaller engine vehicles attract lower premiums.
  2. Increasing your excess levels would decrease your premium but exercise due caution when setting your level of excess because, the amount you state on your quote form is required of you in the event of an accident. Resist the temptation of inflating it, stick with an amount you're comfortable with.
  3. Putting your motor vehicle in a secure garage at night eliminates risk of it being stolen or damaged. Keeping the risk of damage, theft and burglary to a minimum is what insurance companies prefer, so they reward drivers with lower premiums.
  4. Install security devices that minimizes the chances of the vehicle getting stolen.
  5. Shop around, compare quotes, use car insurance comparison sites like <a href="" rel="dofollow"></a> to compare over 110 insurance companies from selected low cost insurers.

Where to get low-cost vehicle insurance quotes

Discovering affordable premiums can some times become mission impossible. The most viable way of unlocking cheap quotes is to lower your risk factor to the bare minimum then begin to compare quotes from as many insurers as possible.

Vehicle insurance organizations do offer varied type of insurance products thereby offering different quote forms like- student motor insurance from cheapcarinsurancex,, green car insurance- and so on.

Rounding up

It cost more to drive your car without adequate insurance protection than when you have a valid cover : The essence of being insured is to cover against any liability or litigation that may arise as a result of a loss or liability resulting from accident caused by the insured. Examples of risk motorists face for not having appropriate insurance cover on their vehicle includes- the risk of their cars been seized or destroyed by local authorities, fines, claims from other third parties and so on.

But driving with a valid insurance cover only gives you peace of mind because your insurer deals with any other issues that may arise as a result of you getting covered. So, be insured before you drive any vehicle on the road.

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Thursday 14 February 2013

DVLA proposes rise in driving licence fees

The DVLA has proposed a rise in driving licence fees, starting April 2013. This comes in answer to their rising costs- costs which can only be fully covered by implementing these increased customer fees.

Clearly set out are three possible options: Application of the £20 common driver fee to provisional licences; implementation of 5-yearly renewal applications for vocational driving licences; increase in fee for a first provisional car or motorcycle licence to £52.25 and increase of common driver fee to £20.70.

With a view to making sure their final decision is best for all, the DVLA are consulting their customers in order to find out which plan is considered to be the most favourable. You can have your say via the DVLA website, comments must be made before August 14th.

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Trend: 60 and still working

Retirement when you are 60ish used to be part of the plan, but many had to ditch that idea.

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Driving High Can Still Result in a DUI

Voters in Washington and Colorado are legalizing recreational use of marijuana, but that still doesn’t make drugged driving in those states legal.  Both states — as well as the 17 where medicinal use is approved — penalize stoned drivers the same way they do drunken drivers.

Washington’s ballot measure establishes a concentration of 5 nanograms of active tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) per milliliter of blood as proof of impaired driving. Backers of Initiative 502 say a marijuana smoker who lets several hours pass before getting behind the wheel should fall beneath that standard.  But most other states – where marijuana is still considered an illegal substance — have a zero-tolerance standard.

Those who are convicted of impaired driving face major legal and financial issues.  In most states, a driver convicted of a first-offense DUI is required to spend at least some time in jail — 24 to 72 hours is common.  Monetary penalties can reach as high as $5,000 and you can lose your license in some states for a year.

Drivers with a DUI are typically required to file an SR-22 form, an insurance company’s guarantee to the state that you are carrying the mandatory coverage. The form is cheap, and can be provided by insurance brokers like Serenity Insurance who specialize in high-risk auto insurance.

At least you won’t face a possession charge in WA or CO if you are carrying less than an ounce of marijuana.  You will, however, have to purchase high-risk auto insurance.  Insurance companies don’t care what you ingested, only that you have a conviction on your driving record.  You should expect your standard insurance rates to rise for as long as the DUI is on your record; in most states, that’s three years.

If you are required by your state to purchase SR-22 Insurance, contact Serenity Insurance today at 1-800-774-0520.  Agents are standing by to help you find affordable SR-22 insurance.  Alternatively, visit and submit a free quote request to see how much money you can save.



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Wednesday 13 February 2013

Investing strategies to cover early retirement

Early retirees need to find a balance between growth investments and capital preservation.

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Should integral communications systems be as standard in vans?

It has been suggested that integral communications systems in vans should be made an as standard addition by van manufacturers, as an increasing number of van operators would benefit greatly from communication devices which helped them to stay in touch with colleagues or customers.

A range of communication equipment that adheres to stringent safety guidelines could allow business van drivers to improve their overall performance and productivity, perhaps with the use of a smart phone- utilising its multiple functions (sat nav, email, calls etc.)

Vans fitted with integral communications systems would also sell well on the used van market. Currently used van sales are high for vans fitted with satellite navigation systems- so one can only predict that full communications systems would fare well too.

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Scammers ‘Te’o’ card issuers

Eighteen people were charged with conjuring up identities to get credit cards and stealing $200 million from card issuers.

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Tuesday 12 February 2013

Motorists reveal which road users they find annoying

Research by the AA has found that motorists feel more angry with other car drivers compared to any other road user.

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Understanding commercial van insurance?

If you use your van just for business reasons instead of social and domestic pleasure then commercial van insurance policies are an essential purchase for your business. The goal of commercial van insurance cannot be overemphasised. Nevertheless, it is intended to protect against any kind of scenarios in the near future; for instance, in the risk that your van becomes stolen- the van insurance provider is more than prone to compensate the depreciated value of your van.

Considerably reducing your expenses to a minimum is a possible means for running a easier enterprise, this also consists of shopping around to find the best quality van insurance policy for your business vans that won't set you back an arm and a leg. Purchasing the lowest cost insurance would undoubtedly save you loads of cash at first. However, your business could still pass up substantially in the event the right coverage isn't choosen, so be meticulous when analyzing your van insurance demands prior to staying in a particlular cover.

The sorts of insurance policies that you can secure is often dependant on several requirements, factors like level you would like to be protected by, the make and model of the van, or possibly vehicles that you own and the term of the protection.

A number of insurance providers gives insurance coverage to private firms, sole traders and big business owners as these protects ranges from diverse levels. The three or more principal styles of covers that you may obtain for your van comprise of fully comprehensive, third party fire and theft and third party commercial.

The most costly as well as most complicated sort of insurance coverage is the fully comprehensive cover mainly because it has a tendency to safeguard every type of accidents as well as accidental injuries that may take place. The comprehensive insurance policy is a cover that protects against damages to the belongings of parties involved in an automobile accident, protects against accidental deaths resulting from a vehicle accident and finally, covers from injuries sustained due to any sort of accident.

Comprehensive van insurance also covers against any kind of harm to both you and the 3rd party's vehicle after a major accident, covers against theft, burglary, vandalism as well as entitles you to courtesy vehicle when your van is off the road for repairs. If you store equipment in your van subsequently it is really worthwhile confirming that these can also be protected through your comprehensive insurance protection.

In addition to the comprehensive policy, third party fire and theft tackles the security of destruction, losses and also liabilities resulting from third parties which includes fire, theft, burglary, vandalism as well as collisions as well. It is prudent to remember that this sort of insurance policy protection will likely not protect you and your vehicle if the third party does not have his/her own insurance in the course of the car accident.

Third party commercial van insurance policy is usually the lowest priced, and most significant form of van insurance policy not to mention protects you from any kind of damages to a third party. Due to the fact third party insurance coverage usually do not safeguard against your company's car, you'll be responsible for repairing the car belonging to the 3rd party if it's established that you were responsible for the accident.

An old banged up van that cost next to nothing could be used for your business to avoid high cost of insurance policies. By taking out a third party policy only, you could fulfil your legal obligation of being legal on the road whilst saving loads of your insurance premium monthly.

No matter how much you use your van, you can also customize it with additional add ons on offer by business van insurance firms. Add ons like ability to drive other vans, being able to drive in other countries whilst being covered, being protected up to your legal expenses all come very handy in the course of your business operations.

One of the best approach of obtaining cheap van insurance ( is by doing a  van insurance comparison on quotes proposed by insurance firms. Also corporate organisations get incredible bargains on their commercial van insurance therefore keeping part of their outgoings to a minimum.

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Firm fined for safety failings

A construction and design company in Berkshire has been fined and ordered to pay costs after a bricklayer broke his pelvis and wrist following a fall.

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Monday 11 February 2013

Mortgage rates in Lake Charles, Louisiana

Shopping for mortgage rates in Lake Charles, LA, can be exhausting, but not with our site. By utilizing this you will find all the latest news on mortgage rates. Whether you are purchasing a new home or refinancing, we provide the ability to check local mortgage rates in Lake Charles with our easy rates search function.  It

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How to Get Cheap Car Insurance

Are you the type of person who believes all car insurance policies are the same? Do you refuse to believe those who try to tell you how you can actually get cheap car insurance? If you answered “yes” to either of these questions you are exactly the type of person this article is intended for. We want you to know that cheap car insurance is indeed possible. We also want to help you find out how to get it.

For starters, please understand that insurance is an industry in which everything is open to negotiation. Very rarely do you have to settle for the first price quoted you by any single provider. With the right leverage and a bit of negotiating skill you can convince most insurance agents to significantly reduce your price over the initial quote. You just need to know what it is you’re looking for and how to push their buttons.

How to Get Cheap Car Insurance

How to Get Cheap Car Insurance

Before you even start looking for quotes consider the following questions:

  • What are the liability requirements in my state?
  • Does my bank require me to carry comprehensive and collision coverage?
  • Do I want extra things like full glass and roadside assistance?
  • Can I afford to pay the entire policy premium upfront?
  • What do my driving history and credit look like?

Obtaining Quotes

The first three questions listed above are extremely pertinent when you start asking for quotes. Whether you use an online quote tool or speak to a representative in person, you’ll need to know what liability requirements are in your state and whether or not you want to increase them for your own protection. If you’ve already determined the minimum liability is sufficient don’t let the insurance representative convince you otherwise.

In terms of collision and comprehensive coverage, you really need to know this before you get started on the quote process. That’s because there is little negotiating room here. If your bank requires you to carry it your premiums will be determined by the value of the car you drive. On the other hand, extra coverages can be used as negotiating chips in order to keep the price down.

Negotiating with Insurance Companies

With multiple quotes in hand you’ll have to narrow them down to your top two or three choices. Then get on the phone and talk to an agent with the sole purpose of convincing the individual to give you a better rate. This is where the last two questions from above come into play.

For example, if you can afford to pay for an annual policy up front you can use that as leverage to bring the price down. Insurance companies love upfront payments because it gives them more cash to invest. If you can’t afford to pay the entire bill, negotiate quarterly or monthly installments that will fit your budget. And never accept unnecessarily high installments fees for the privilege of doing so.

Lastly, your credit history and driving record play a big part in your insurance rates. If you have blemishes on your record be prepared to answer questions about them when you’re talking to the agent. You can still get cheap car insurance if you negotiate firmly but politely. Remember to always be honest and forthright when answering direct questions about your driving history.

It might help to know that most states prohibit car insurance companies from denying policies based solely on credit history. So if you suspect that to be the case, be prepared to show the agent a copy of the law. That should change things instantly.

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Saturday 9 February 2013

Outstanding Service in Texas

I am writing to express my sincere appreciation and gratitude for the professional service provided to me today by Karen. She was patient, personable and proficient in solving a problem for me with regard to car insurance for my daughter. I must say that this was not the first agency we had contacted, but I am pleased to advise that it was the last. I did experience a wide range of responses from other companies, but Karen’s assistance was outstanding! We reviewed the information, she developed quotes, helped me evaluate the different options and we then closed the deal.

For some background, I have been involved in commercial insurance for close to 30 years as a senior executive with one of the largest brokerage firms in the world. I know how critical service is, and how attitude is apparent over the phone. My clients expect a lot of service from me and I can tell you that I appreciate excellent service. That is why I am taking the time to make a statement as to the wonder...

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