If you were to compare car insurance rates by state you’d find that similar drivers with similar vehicles pay different rates depending on the state where they live. This is one of the curious aspects of car insurance a lot of people don’t understand. That misunderstanding comes by way of the fact that so many drivers think of cheap car insurance as a static product similar to a computer or television set. By “static” we mean a product that comes off a production line and is identical among all pieces of the same line.
The thing about car insurance is that it’s not static. For example, two different drivers may both have collision and comprehensive coverage on their vehicles but pay different rates for it. This makes complete sense when you consider one driver owns a BMW while the other driver owns a Kia. The values of their respective vehicles heavily influence the cost of their collision and comprehensive insurance.
United States of America
In terms of the various states, here are a couple of things that influence auto insurance quotes:
State Laws – Far and away the biggest influence on cheap auto insurance at the state level comes by way of insurance regulations. A state where insurance is heavily regulated to the point that it chokes out competition will see higher car insurance costs. Other regulatory conditions that contribute to annual premiums include minimum liability requirements, taxes and fees, how the state’s high risk pools are funded, and how traffic violations are dealt with.
Population Density – Population density is another big factor at the state level. States with high population densities such as California and Massachusetts have the potential for higher insurance rates because there are more drivers on the road to cause accidents.
Accident Rates – The different states experience different accident rates depending on a whole host of factors. Weather, average driver age, road conditions, and economic conditions all play a part in influencing accident rates. Like population density, a state with a higher rate of accidents per capita will see that reflected in car insurance quotes.
Job Outlook – Believe it or not insurance statistics show a greater propensity for insurance claims among specific occupations. Insurance companies can look at those statistics from one state to the next and partially determine rates of accident claims based on occupation and income levels.
Suffice it to say there are a number of things at the state level that contribute to how much you and I pay for insurance. When you’re searching for car insurance quotes, it’s best not to about worry what your cousin and his neighbor are paying two states away. Your state is what it is and that’s not likely to change. By the same token, if you’re thinking of moving to another state and you’re not restricted in your choices, taking into account the likelihood you’ll be able to find cheap car insurance may be a factor in your decision.
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